Going to things together: Audiences, Sociability and Enriching Cultural Experience

In this ‘Going to things Together’ workshop,  Professor John Sloboda (Guildhall School of Music and Drama) will chair a discussion about going to cultural events, providing a timely opportunity for cultural organisations and events organisers to engage in a discussion about the outcomes that audiences expect from going to ticketed cultural events.

His recent research shows that the opportunity for warm and productive connections to the other event attenders is a key factor, sometimes even more important than the cultural offering itself.  How can cultural providers enhance their offering to facilitate the benefits that people get from encountering each other, and – in the process – deepen and widen their audience engagement?

Discussants include:
Annette Richardson (Somerset House), Peter Stepman (Founder of Meetups: Buffs London, Buffs LA, Curzon [Cinema] Cult) and Rachel Dickson (Ben Uri Gallery)

Image: Somerset House, courtesy of Somerset House Trust